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~ How You, Me & She Came To Be ~

 Like so many of us todayI've  gone through some rough times. I've done counseling and have a great family and a wonderful best friend. But there have still been times I've felt lonely, even in a crowd of people, laughing and smiling; when where I wanted to be was curled up in a ball, doing nothing. If you're in counseling, that's great. But we also need a support system. And I've found that the best support systems include people who understand you, who don't just sympathize, but can empathize. This is where I come in. Send me an email of a journal you wrote, and I'll respond; or lets have a chat. How about we do both? Or maybe add in some worksheets to go along with what we're discussing. My hope is that we can become a support system for each other, and if you feel comfortable enough, you can post and talk with other clients. That's why I named the site You, Me,& She. There will be a weekly blog post, along with a page that allows you to talk to each other and offer support. #uandi #youmeandshe

And You Are...?
Jessica LaCroix

               Psychology Major, Ashford University


I'm not just a Psychology Major, though. I have two great loves: music and reading. I'm a Cancer and an INFJ on the Meyers-Briggs scale. I don't watch much tv, but Scandal is my weakness. I also enjoy yoga, making lotions and handscrubs, and I'm trying to learn how to cook. I came up with the idea for this website finding people on Twitter and Instagram who I felt understood me. Posting things we related to, we struck up conversations, and began supporting each other. That's when I realized that sometimes it's easier to talk to people online that you just know understand you. That's my goal here. To give you support and if you'd like, to chat with others I provide services for. Together, we can help and support each other as we build what we didn't think we could have: the life we've always wanted. 


XoXo <3 #uandi #umeandshe

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